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        S.C’s First General Meeting of Labor Union

        Column:Company News Time:2019-12-06

        On Dec. 5th, 2019, the First General Meeting of S.C New Energy Technology Corporation Labor Union was held in the training room of S.C. S.C leaders and representatives of the Labor Union more than 80 people participated in the meeting, at which members and a chairman of the Labor Union Committee, Labor Union Fund Review Committee and Female Staff Committee was erected through voting. Mr. Tang Naiyong, the manager of the Administrative Center, was selected as the chairman.

        The meetingwas hosted by the Pingshan Labor Union, at which the documents of Approval of the Election of the LaborUnion Committee, Labor Union Fund Review Committee and Female Staff Committee of S.C New Energy Technology Corporation, Election Procedures for the First Plenary Session of the First General Meeting of S.C New Energy Technology Corporation Labor Union (Draft), List of Supervisors for the First Plenary Session of the First General Meeting of S.C New Energy Technology Corporation Labor Union (Draft) and Introduction of Candidates of Labor Union Committee, Labor Union Fund Review Committee and Female Staff Committee were read out, and then approved by the attendees.

        Picture 1: The Meeting

        The candidates from each departments of S.C gave their campaign speeches by turns, and the participating members anonymously voted to elect 9 members of the Labor Union Committee(1 chairman, 1 vice chairman and 7 committee members), 3 members of Labor Union Fund Review Committee and 3 members of Female Staff Committee. After that, Mr. Tang Naiyong delivered an important speech and put forward requirements for the work of the Labor Union. He hoped the Labor Union will become the warmest home of employees, and will promote the development of the employees, S.C and our society continuously.

        Picture 2&3:Collecting and Counting the Votes

        The establishment of the Labor Union is a major event for S.C. Ms. Tan Xiangping, the director of the Assets Management Center, made an important speech on behalf of the company's leaders. She hoped the union members would keep the mission of the union and the needs of the employees in mind, actively serve the employees, help them solve difficulties, and promote the development of our company under the leadership of S.C leaders.

        Picture 4: Statement by Leader’s representative 

        At the end of the meeting, the leaders of the Pingshan Labor Union gave instructions on the work of S.C Labor Union, clarified the role, purposes and significance of the Union and explained the relationship of interdependence and mutual development among employees, a enterprise and a Labor Union. He also said that they would lead enterprises to play the role of labor unions together, do a good job of Labor Union work and help the enterprises to build a harmonious relationship with employees and achieve a win-win situation for enterprises, society and employees.

        Picture 5: The Committee Members and the Staff

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